Over the decades I have worked in various professions and acquired knowledge in different ones. These were professions in trade, industry, commerce and in various areas of the IT sector. In the various professions, I have either specialist qualifications or specialist further training.
Gardening, furniture construction & restoration, window, door & frame installation, floor insulation, janitorial services
Textile industry, bookbinding, bank & checkout equipment, machine maintenance
Wholesale, trade fair presentations, telesales, furniture transport, marketing concepts, international copyright and trademark law
Computer Industry
Web & graphic design, database development, data standardization, network technology, SAP training, software translation, software tester, bug hunter
Religion, art, sausage and bread production, mushroom picking, volunteer work in health service, various creative projects
I have been using computers since the 80s and for many years I used a nickname that may be better known to some than my gamertag ‚cameleon‘.

In various IT professions I have been looking for errors and optimization options since the mid-90s using the nickname ‚thebugfix‘. From hardware to complex databases and different program codes, I put everything through its paces.

That’s the reason i combined my name to ‚Chamëleon TBN‘

I have been retired for health reasons since 2014 and bring my skills to the extent that I can where they are needed.